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Wednesday, March 28, 2012


91. Don't act obsessed, but don't play hard to get. Both get old after a while. We might play hard to get though!

92.they won't make the first move, that's our job.

93. they look at us as their knight in shining armour. :D Act like it!

94. Protect them.

95. Try not to scare them,  they  dislike that a whole lot. Remember,  they  have reflexes.

96. How we react to something can mean a whole lot. A WHOLE LOT!

97. Having a song in a relationship is like a symbol of their love.

98. Don't take advantage of them.

99. When  they  see our name on their phone screen  they  really do smile. 

100. Don't joke around and say they are like one of our friends. we WILL get dumped. And that is a CAPITAL WILL!

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