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Wednesday, March 28, 2012


31. Hug them.

32.  they like you for who you are, not how popular you are. Uh. Just don't be the dork. 

33. Don't talk about your ex girlfriends.  they don't want to hear about them. 

34. All girls are different, so something your ex may have done your new girlfriend might not do the same.. Don't expect the same thing from every girl.

35.  they  think  they  are the best thing in the room, get over it.

36.Don't play with their fat. (If  they  have any) t

37.  they  are girls,  they  aren't going to have very much muscle.. Do not compare your muscle to their's, because guys'll always win. Unless you are the weak ugly duckling.

38. If you have a question about how they feel,go to them, not your friends.

39. You should be man enough to ask us out to our faces..  they  like that best, it shows you are a real man!

40. Yes, it does take girls that long to get ready. It's not our fault  they  have to put on make-up and do their hair to look pretty.

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