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Showing posts with label heart of girls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label heart of girls. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


91. Don't act obsessed, but don't play hard to get. Both get old after a while. We might play hard to get though!

92.they won't make the first move, that's our job.

93. they look at us as their knight in shining armour. :D Act like it!

94. Protect them.

95. Try not to scare them,  they  dislike that a whole lot. Remember,  they  have reflexes.

96. How we react to something can mean a whole lot. A WHOLE LOT!

97. Having a song in a relationship is like a symbol of their love.

98. Don't take advantage of them.

99. When  they  see our name on their phone screen  they  really do smile. 

100. Don't joke around and say they are like one of our friends. we WILL get dumped. And that is a CAPITAL WILL!


81.  they  don't lie when  they  say  they  like/love you. sometimes we might, but  they  don't!

82. When  they  don't answer your texts or calls it doesn't mean  they  are with another guy and it doesn't mean  they  don't wanna talk to us. It means  they  are busy.

83. we are their one and only. 

84. Valentines day is an amazing holiday for them. Don't ruin it.

85. Don't make fun of something they do, like a hobby.

86.  they are attracted to high maintenance.

87.  they  like to be spoiled. 

88. Coming to our games when we play or watch are fun. Getting to hug them after the game is the main reason  they  come. Please remember deodorant though.

89. If we get a free day spend it with them, It makes them feel important in their life.

90. This is a lot of typing and it took a lot of time, don't just skip reading this and don't mistake about some spelling mistakes.


71.  they  do have standards.

72. Dating a bunch of different guys doesn't make them a hore, it just means they haven't found the right guy for them yet. like we do the same exact thing huh!

73. Telling them there is someone out there better for them doesn't help break ups.

74. Kiss them in the rain. ♥

75. we will always be the hottest guy they know, ONLY while we are dating them. Afterwards, their opinion changes.(damn)

76. they use to change.

77. Sex is not a topic they always want to talk about, so just don't bring it up all the time. A lot of girls aren't atracted to perves most time!

78. Some of them want to make something of themselves, therefore they aren't easy.

79. That is just some of them.

80. Don't lie about who we are to them, they can find out the will be like hell afterwards.


61. What can  they not have guy friends?

62. If another guy likes them, we should be happy that we have a hot girlfriend that everyone wants. Don't think  they  are going to leave us  for him, because  they  aren't.

63. Hold the door every once in a while.

64. Save them a seat.

65. Don't get another girls number while we are dating them. Even if  they 're not there..  they  will find out very easily.

66. Anything we do,  they will find out. f*** you gossip. 

67.they usually think, How could we be so heartless sometime??

68. Think before you speak. Words do hurt them.

69. I love you is not just a phrase to them. It means everything.

70. Don't tell them you like another girl, please. If you do, you just made a TERRIBLE mistake.


51. Pretty much every girl we date will think they are fat.. Its a way of life. Like we guys think we are tough. Yeah. Most of all aren't. 

52. they  think think are always right,so do not try to convince them otherwise.

52. most celebrities will always looks cute to them. If we hate on them  they  will just think we are jealous of him.     (w t f)


54. When they are upset, comfort them. 

55. Every sweet thing they say to us means their world. ♥

56.they are not bi-polar.. they are just moody. (it might be her time of the month!)

57. There is a week out of every month where  they  will be our worst nightmare.. we can't change that. 

58. Treat them the right way.

59. Be a man, it impresses them. :D

60. Jealously is one of their main traits, we can't change that.


41. No matter what you say, they are NOT going to go anywhere but to the gym or dance in sweat pants and a tank top and their hair in a ponytail, with no makeup. they want to look pretty.

42. Never say "Who are you trying to impress?" It really ticks them off, because  they  just got all dressed up to impress you and then you think  they  are after another guy. she may think us IDIOTS in her mind!

43. our friends are all ugly, so don't ask them. Maybe.

44. Please don't be afraid to tell them things,  they  like it when you open up our lives to them.

45. Crying doesn't make guys any less of a man. It just shows you aren't afraid of your emotions.  they  like that.

46. The tough guy act gets old.

47.  they  like male celebrities, get over it.  they  know you like female celebrities also.

48.  they 'd prefer you to break up with them than to cheat.

49. Be gentile with them.

50. your girl look good, they know. we can still tell them every once in a while though.


31. Hug them.

32.  they like you for who you are, not how popular you are. Uh. Just don't be the dork. 

33. Don't talk about your ex girlfriends.  they don't want to hear about them. 

34. All girls are different, so something your ex may have done your new girlfriend might not do the same.. Don't expect the same thing from every girl.

35.  they  think  they  are the best thing in the room, get over it.

36.Don't play with their fat. (If  they  have any) t

37.  they  are girls,  they  aren't going to have very much muscle.. Do not compare your muscle to their's, because guys'll always win. Unless you are the weak ugly duckling.

38. If you have a question about how they feel,go to them, not your friends.

39. You should be man enough to ask us out to our faces..  they  like that best, it shows you are a real man!

40. Yes, it does take girls that long to get ready. It's not our fault  they  have to put on make-up and do their hair to look pretty.


21. If you're talking to another girl we don't really care, as long as you still talk to us, and you DON'T flirt with her. Ok. Just stay away from her.

22. she like to be your one and only! ♥

23. You are mine and I am yours is not something they just say.. It's something they mean! DON'T EVER SAY IT IS NOT!

24. Sometimes they may doubt you. (The things you say to  them , and the things guys do, and our attutide, etc... This doesn't mean  they don't like you anymore, it just means guys need to try a little harder at being her boyfriend.

25.  they like it when you put your arms around her. (Makes her feel safe)

26. Coming up behind them and putting our arms around her waist when  they  least expect it makes them feel special..

27. If  they  find you flirting with another girl the last thing  they want to hear you say is, "Why are you mad?" Please don't say that it ticks her off even more than  they  already are.

28.  they  love our smile, so please smile around them. 

29. When  they  ask "What are you doing?"  they  don't wanna hear you say another girls name or  they don't wanna hear you say your mom. 



11. When she's crying, comfort her.

12. Write her LOVE notesss!

13. Give her flowers when you think she is mad at you.

14. Make her LAUGH!! 

15. Don't leave her by herself, EVER!

16. Hold her hand in public!!

17. Look her in the eyes.

18. Never tell a girl you like them unless you TRULY mean it.. We tend to take everything you say seriously.

19. If your girl is in a bad mood then please do not do anything to make us even more mad, that's not getting you anywhere.

20. When she says she don't like to be tickled.. we really do but we just don't want to admit it.

1 to 10

1. Girls love kisses :) so kiss them!

2. Girls love to wear your jacket!

3. Remember to give your girl giftsss! She'll tell everyone that you are a keeper!

4. Go to the movies with your girlfriend every once in a while and let her ACTUALLY choose the movie , Most likely the movie will be a chick flick.

5. Be affectionate around all friends. It will make her feel that she is needed and you actually love her.

6. Don't EVER rush her into anything she doesn't want to do. EVER!

7. Text her first!

8. Make her feel like she's your number 1 and you will be her's love forever

9. Tell her she's beautiful even when she looks horrible.

10. Don't get too friendly with any other girl besides her.